Jul 14, 2019
I hacked together a script that checks for open camping reservations at state campgrounds in California. These sites are limited and demand is high. Last year [the state parks reservation service underwent a reboot] (https://www.sfchronicle.com/travel/article/Parks-declare-war-on-bots-over-camp-reservations-13484794.php) in an effort to discourage this kind of thing.
It worked! The re-captcha was too much for me to try to hack against in a weekend, so I left it to just scan for open dates and send a slack notification to me.
The request data looks like this:
req_params_template = {
"RegionId": 0,
"PlaceId": 680,
"FacilityId": 0,
"StartDate": "12/29/2019",
"Nights": "1",
"CategoryId": "0",
"UnitTypeIds": [],
"UnitTypesCategory": [],
"ShowOnlyAdaUnits": False,
"ShowOnlyTentSiteUnits": False,
"ShowOnlyRvSiteUnits": False,
"MinimumVehicleLength": "0",
"FacilityTypes_new": 0,
"AccessTypes": [],
"ShowIsPremiumUnits": False,
"ParkFinder": [],
"UnitTypeCategoryId": "0",
"ShowSiteUnitsName": "0",
"AmenitySearchParameters": []
Given a list of dates to search–say all the Fridays in August–and a list of campsite ids, the script requests each combination of site and date and sends off a message over slack webhook.
The campsite ids you have know, and I haven’t added a way of fetching those. For now you just gotta look up the desired site and find it’s id by peering into the browser dev tools network tab or something. I don’t remember.