

EKS self-managed Node Groups to Managed Node Groups

2021-09-18 18:08:05 -0700 PDT

Rust Visibility and Fuzzing

2020-07-25 11:14:45 -0700 PDT

Looking at rust’s visibility from fuzzing Rust Visibility and Fuzzing full article

Configurable Pod Commands With Helm and Helmfile

2020-07-12 17:15:46 -0700 PDT

Helmfile and helm template for rendering jobs with commands from values Configurable Pod Commands With Helm and Helmfile full article

Terraform ACM cert validation Cross Account

2019-11-03 20:36:51 -0800 PST

Terraform creating ACM certs with DNS validation in other accounts for vanity SAN names Terraform ACM cert validation Cross Account full article

psql copy hack

2019-10-11 22:15:37 -0700 PDT

Here is a helpful workaround for multiline psql commands using FORMAT psql copy hack full article

Bitwise And Not Like the Other

2019-10-06 10:33:36 -0700 PDT

bitwise & in C and Rust Bitwise And Not Like the Other full article

Unifi Ap Controlled by Remote Linode

2019-09-13 09:54:21 -0700 PDT

Install notes on my Ubiquiti home network Unifi Ap Controlled by Remote Linode full article

Reading: Slavery & Capitalism

2019-08-17 10:12:01 -0700 PDT

the plantation and the modern business, from the New York Times’ 1619 project Reading: Slavery & Capitalism full article

Python Default Args as Functions

2019-07-14 21:52:16 -0700 PDT

are you sure you wanna put a function invocation as a default argument? Python Default Args as Functions full article


2019-07-14 20:50:18 -0700 PDT

hacking a script to find a spot to camp in CA Campscrape full article

Rust: Slice and Bytes

2018-11-22 11:31:35 -0800 PST

Here are some examples of comparing vectors, arrays, slices, and bytes that I’ve confused more than once. Rust: Slice and Bytes full article


2018-10-02 23:15:26 -0700 PDT

Making a base64 module in rust b64rs full article

Scraping All Written Correspondance With My Wife

2018-07-22 23:38:36 -0700 PDT

Scraping all the chats and emails with my 💖 better half 💖. Scraping All Written Correspondance With My Wife full article

Installing EdgeRouterX and Unifi AC Access Point

2018-07-20 13:35:38 -0800 -0800

Installing a cool home WLAN Installing EdgeRouterX and Unifi AC Access Point full article

Reading: Little Prover

2018-01-16 13:35:38 -0800 PST

Ch2: Law of Dethm: you can swap any part of the arguments to a function with a corresponding expression, and then rewrite the function body to include those swapped args to uncover a focus: the rewritten function body bodyemust have a conclusion (equal p q) or (equal q p) the conclusion can’t be in an if condition: example: # not allowed! if apple == fruit: make_pie = true else: make_compost = true apple == fruit # QED! Reading: Little Prover full article

Outrage and Group Defense

2018-01-15 21:19:58 -0800 PST

online communities can avoid the Dumpster Fire when they are focused around a specific shared goal. Outrage and Group Defense full article

Reading: New Turning Omnibus

2018-01-07 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Reading-New Turning Omnibus. Lots of fun Reading: New Turning Omnibus full article

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